The Global Exposure ensures all the students who want to do Cooperative Education in Canadian Universities and want to study abroad. To begin with here is some general information for your study and evaluation: Cooperative Education (or Co-operative Education) is nothing but a structured method of combination of basic classroom-based education and practical work experience. Such cooperative education is now gaining importance as it helps students to make the school-to-work transition easier. It falls under the said umbrella of work-integrated learning but is actually distinct as it alternates a school term with a work term in a structured manner and Involves a sort of partnership between the academic institutions and the employers for the sole purpose of advancing the education of the students. By the way, it is reported that such cooperative education programs were launched sometime in 1906, and became an immediate success. For your information and clarity, a cooperative study program is a combination of an academic study at a university or vocational college and vocational education. The programs typically lead to a Bachelor’s degree. There are also a few Master’s programs. Vocational training focuses on practical education. The Canadian Association for Co-operative Education, a nonprofit that accredits co-op programs, had estimated that in 2015-2016, co-op students throughout Canada had completed approximately 80,000 work terms. BTW such programs enable a student to earn money to help finance his/her college education, makes academic work more meaningful through the practical application of classroom principles and many employers have lab facilities and equipment that are not available on most campuses, creates the proper environment to explore career choices and be professionally exposed to diverse opportunities within a specific field of study before graduation, offers the opportunity to collaborate and network with professionals who have many years of experience in the student’s major field of study.

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Top five reasons for the students to join a CO-OP program are:
  • Gain valuable paid work experience in their field of study
  • Develop professional skills and gain a better understanding of their workplace
  • Discover what career fits them through different job opportunities
  • Meet key people in the job market who will facilitate their placement after graduation
  • Travel and meet interesting people.
Co-Op program in Canadian Education Prospective international students may also want to explore whether they can apply for co-op jobs outside Canada – perhaps even in their home country. Students in co-op programs at several universities say that their work terms have helped them figure out what field they’re passionate about and provided valuable industry connections. Now let us list some general Questions with Answers on this topic: Q1. What exactly does Co-op mean? Co-op or co-operative education is nothing but an academic program broken into periods in which a student is given some opportunity to work in some industry related to his or her background. Most such programs are structured in such a manner so that one term or semester of learning is alternated with one term or semester of work. The period of work outside the institution is generally known as a work term. Q2. Does the student get paid in such a co-op job? Yes, the students who are placed at companies or in other organizations for their work terms, are suitably paid for the work that they do. Q3. Give an example of a co-op term. Let us suppose a student has taken a co-op program in computer programming. Then, a work term might mean that he or she would be working for some software development organization. At the end of the work term, employers fill out a form evaluating the performance of the co-op student during the term. Q4. The next question will obviously be as to how do students get these co-op jobs? Schools that offer such jobs have special departments that look for program-related employment for such students. Sometime students may search for some suitable place of employment on their own too. In such cases, the department determines if the job is suitable for the co-op or not. The process to land a co-op position is often competitive, just like a real-world job search. Students look for positions – sometimes in a university database – as well as refine and submit their resumes and conduct interviews with various prospective employers, all the while juggling a regular academic course load. Students can inquire about the support available for job-seeking co-op students and whether any additional services are available for international students. Q5. Suppose a student undergoes a co-op program, will he or she be guaranteed a job upon graduation? No-job is not guaranteed, but doing a co-op placement will give the students an opportunity to network in his or her chosen industry and meet various people there who later on, may be able to give them some job. By this method, the students can get sufficient practical and industrial experience to help them get their first job. Q6. Please clarify whether such co-op programs cost more compared to regular programs. In a few instances, co-op programs may be slightly expensive but this is compensated by providing extra services like helping in getting jobs. Q7. Kindly explain what employers get out of hiring such co-op students. Employers get quite a few benefits. For example, they can get the chance to hire students full of new and fresh ideas and with the latest training. Another benefit is that they get the chance to have someone as extra help during busy periods and in turn, they can groom him or her as a possible recruit as a future employee. Q8. Last but not the least, let me know where can students find more information about such co-ops. You can go to and try searching on SchoolFinder.com. There are also other sources like the websites for the Canadian Association of Co-operative Education and Public Service Commission of Canada. Q9. Which is the largest university operating such a program? Our study reveals that the University of Waterloo in Canada, has the world’s largest post-secondary co-op programs in the world, with nearly 20,000 co-op students enrolled over three semesters in more than 120 programs. Incidentally, within Canada, the need for connections between co-op programs became clear by as long back as in 1973. The Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (CAFCE) began with 29 educators from 15 institutions. In its first form, it did not include any employers or industry representatives. The institutions felt that they should decide on an integrative plan for co-op education prior to admitting employers as members. In 1977, employers, HR representatives, and recruiters began to join CAFCE.

Conclusion about Cooperative Education in Canadian Universities

Further, in Canada, the regulation of co-operative education programs is overseen by CAFCE. Programs can apply for accreditation after the first class of co-op students has graduated. In order to be accredited, 30% of the time spent in the program must be devoted to working experience, and each experience must last at least 12 weeks.

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