Ielts Training Delhi,Ielts Coaching In Delhi

What is IELTS ?

IELTS(International English Language Testing System)is a worldwide highly recognised official English  exam  for  higher English  exam  for  higher  education  and  global  migration,  with  over 3  million  official  x  in the  last year. Its aim is to evaluate the  English level of  the people  that  take it. This is one  of  the  most accepted  institutions  to  certify  English language proficiency.[hide] Ielts Training In Delhi[/hide]

Types of IELTS

IELTS Academic

The IELTS Academic test is for people applying for higher education or professional registration in an English  speaking environment. It  reflects  some of  the  features of academic language and assesses whether you are ready to  begin studying or training. This approach is widely supported by the institutions that recognize IELTS.

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IELTS General Training

The IELTS  General Training  test  is  for  those who  are going  to English speaking  countries for secondary education, work experience or training programs.It is also a requirement for migration to Australia,Canada,New Zealand and the UK . The test focuses on basic survival skills in broad social and workplace contexts.

IELTS General Pattern

Details of the IELTS Examination

The IELTS measures your English proficiency level in four skills: Listening, Reading,Writing and Speaking.The Listening section has four parts and a total of 40 questions, during which  you  will have to  listen  to four   conversations and  monologues, and once  each  record  finishes, you  will have  to  answer some questions about what you  listened. During the  Reading section, you will have to answer  40 questions. Depending on the  type of IELTS  you take, you will l have to  read between 3 and 5  passages. In the Academic IELTS,you will  read 3  long texts taken  from books and academic journals,while in the General IELTS you will read up to 5 short texts taken from news papers and other news sources. In  the  Writing section, you will  have  60minutes to write two texts. In the Academic  IELTS ,you  will first have to do a text summarising the information of a graphic,diagram or table that will be given to you.then you will have to write an essay.In the General IELTS,you will have to first write a letter   explaining  a situation or requesting information.and then you will have to write an essay.The Speaking section has three parts .In  the  first  part, you will have  to speak  about you and topics you  are related with  After that, in  the second   part  of  the section,  you  will have  to  answer  some  questions  about a particular  subject that will be asked to  you. Finally, in  the  third  section, you will  have a general discussion about the topic of part two.It is important to highlight that this section of the IELTS in  contrast  to the  speaking section of other English exams, is made face to face with an examiner.[hide] Best Ielts Training In Delhi[/hide]

Score Band For Ielts

Duration of the IELTS

In total, IELTS’ duration is 2 hours and 44 minutes. These are divided in 30 minutes for the Listening section ,  60  minutes  that  last the Reading  section , another  60 minutes to  write the texts of  the Writing  section and  between 11-14 minutes  to answer  the   three parts of   the  Speaking  section.It is important  for you to know  that  the Speaking  section is done in a different day than  the  other three sections.

Ielts Training in Delhi

Scores of the IELTS

.An approve or  fail format. The result of the exam will show you your proficiency level in English. The exam has a band  scale from 1 to 9,being 1 the  lowest band and 9 the highest  one.Results can be  shown  in a  full band(ex. 6.0) or in half band (ex. 6.5).According to  The European  Common  Reference Framework   for Languages, the bands from 1 to 3.5 correspond to  the A1 and A2 levels which is  basic  knowledge of the language, the bands between 4 and are equivalent to  the B1 level that is  intermediate, the bands between 5.5 and 6.5 are alike the B2 level with is intermediate advanced, the bands between 7.0 and 8.5  correspond to the C1 level which is advanced and finally the band 9 is a  C2 level  which is master  in the language .The IELTS  results  show a  score for  each  section  and  a  general score  for  the whole  exam.The score for each section if given according to four criteria.how  good  questions we resolved, the coherence and cohesion of the answers,how wide is the vocabulary of the test taker and how the grammar level is.Each of these criteria has a similar weight in the final score the test taker gets for each section.


Validity of the IELTS results

Once you have taken the IELTS, you will receive a copy of the results 13 days after you have done the written exam. During your registration to the  exam, you  can ask for copies of your results  to be  sent directly to five academic institutions.Please keep in mind that the results you obtain will be valid for two years. In case you get a lower score than the one you needed, you will be able to take the exam  against any moment.

IELTS Band Score Calculator

This IELTS Band Score Calculator will work out your Overall IELTS band score and also your score out of 40 for listening and reading. 

IELTS Score Assessment

Type of Exam
General Training
Questions Correct Out of 40
Band Score


(Enter Band you are expecting)

(Enter Band you are expecting)

Total Band:

Overall IELTS Band Score Calculator


Overall IELTS Band:

Frequently Asked Question

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